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Friday, January 23, 2009

Global Warming

Global warming is a big problem today. Some people know that, others don't. Do you know why global warming is a big problem? Well, I going to tell you why.

First of all, it is a big problem because if global warming keeps on going the ocean would rise rapidly and flood lots of land. In this land there are some major cities, so that would cause a lot of trouble.

Secondly, it would shorten food because global warming harms and kills algae, and algae is a main source of food in the ocean. That would cause a shortage of food in the ocean. So that takes sea food off of the list.

Third of all, it would also cause many droughts and floods that would lead to many troubles. The cause of this is evaporation and raining

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pool Day

Today my family went to the pool. I called my friends, Calvin and Justin. My mom and dad went to the jacuzzi. At the pool, Calvin, Justin, my brother and I played this game at the pool that Justin made up. It is called Water Nations. In Water Nations you try to invade another person's nation. Then Justins changes it to when you want to invade another nation you have to get this thing out of his hand for 20 seconds to win, but if he holds you for 30 seconds you lose your nation. We also played Marco Polo. After that my dad told me that it was time to go.